Friday, May 16, 2014

Risk of Rain

Played: Risk of Rain
Shooting, dodging, slashing, unlocking:

If you're into action platforming, familiar but unscripted playthroughs and going through all of that with friends, I bet you have already heard of this (spoiler alert: great) game. 

So, I'll say what I mean: You start with one class, Commando, and if you are familiar with MOBAs you might recognize this 4 ability control scheme:

(keep in mind there are a couple more classes, and with new content coming regularly there might be more later!

Then you'll spawn in a map. And you have to find a teleporter as an objective.
Each map has it's own monsters, which keep on spawning.
See, the maps are always the same but everything else in them is random(or very loosely scripted), as in:
- Where the teleporter is
- Where and which monsters spawn
- Item locations and drops

<- Your item log shows you which items you have unlocked for dropping or getting. You can't see those you haven't got but you can check the Unlockables section for Achievements you have to do in order to unlock more Classes and Items

Monsters will always drop gold which you can use to get items, but money converts into exp if you have some left when you teleport.

When you get to the teleport, you can activate it and you'll have at least 90 seconds of monsters spawns, in addition to a boss. After killing every enemy in the map you'll be able to move on to the next map.

Oh but you'll have to think on your feet because the game difficulty goes up the more time you're taking, and after 30 minutes I started to realize how caotic it can get. And it gets worse, believe me.

<- This is an example of what you'll see on the top right corner, a timer with the current difficulty

And that's about the introduction you'll need, check out more at the wiki (link) or check the Steam page for Risk of Rain (link)
